tINSTFOR2 Set the installation parameters here. You can use F2 to view the README file for important information. If a directory doesn't exist, it's created. UInstall From Drive: the letter of the drive to install from. This is probably A or B, unless you're installing from a hard drive. Install From Directory: the directory to install from. This is probably \, unless you're installing from a hard drive. Install To Drive: the letter of the drive to install to. This is probably C or D. You should not install to a floppy drive. Base Directory: the main directory for the program files. Probably \CAPGNZ. Install Program Files: installs the main Capital Gainz program, along with some of the auxilliary BAT files. (REQUIRED) Install Program Data: installs the data files shipped with Capital Gainz - the Password, Security Type, and Error Message files. If you forget your password, you can reinstall these files to reset the password. The files are installed to the Base Directory. (REQUIRED) Install Doc Files: installs the online documentation files. If you have a printed manual, you can save disk space by not installing them. But, online help uses these files. You can specify a directory different than the Base Directory. (OPTIONAL) )Install Utility Files: installs the Utility Program. If you don't need them, you can save disk space by not installing them. If you are upgrading, you must install them. Installed to the Base Directory. (OPTIONAL) Press Enter For More, Esc to Quit cINSTFOR3 Install Graphics Files: installs the Graphics Program and related files. If you don't need graphics, you can save disk space by not installing them. They are installed to the Base Directory. (OPTIONAL) Install Demo/Tutorial: installs the Capital Gainz demo/tutorial. The best way to get started is to follow this screenshow. You should specify a separate directory, so it can be easily erased later. (OPTIONAL) Registration Number: the registration number on the disk label. Your Name: your name, or whatever you want displayed on the opening screen. Modify CONFIG.SYS: to run Capital Gainz, you need the FILES= statement set to about 40. If YES, your CONFIG.SYS will be updated if necessary. Copy CG.BAT to Root: copy the startup batch file to the root directory. Temporary Directory: directory used by Capital Gainz for temporary files. If you use a RAM drive, you can specify it here. If the directory does not exist, then Capital Gainz will use the program directory at runtime. Use Built-In Screen Blanker: specify NO if you already use a screen blanker. Enhanced Keyboard: specify YES if your keyboard has F11 and F12 keys. Current Installed Version: if you are upgrading from a prior version, enter the old version number here. This only applies to the major and minor numbers, such as 3.0. Any additional letter, such as in 3.0p, should not be entered. It's very important that you enter a correct value here, as the data file upgrade will fail otherwise. The revision number is in the documentation and on the original distribution disks. Upgrade Data In: the directories containing data to be upgraded. You probably only have a single directory with data. NPress Enter for More, Esc to Quit RYou can always go back and install only specific parts of Capital Gainz at a later time. For instance: 9- If you didn't install the online documentation, you may want to add it. - If you forgot your password, you can reset it by re-installing just the data files. C- If you didn't install the Utility Program, you may want to add it. XWhen you complete the form, installation begins: $- INSTALL.INF, on the installation disk, is examined to determine what archives and disks to access. 1- The requested files are installed. ,- If you are upgrading, the Utility Program's Upgrade option is executed against the data files in the specified directories. - The installation is verified, and any messages are written to INSTALL.LOG and displayed. INSTALL.LOG contains important information about files that were installed, renamed, or missing. Make sure that installation was successful. If installation failed, you can try it again. If you were upgrading to a new version, I suggest restoring your old files first. jThe demo/tutorial and documentation files are not required. The users manual discusses how they can easily be deleted manually. =Press Enter or Esc to Quit INSTFOR1 INSTFOR2 INSTFOR3?